Deutsch Abkürzungen von cool bis cout
- cool (kalt)
- coop. (cooperation)
- .coop (cooperations)
- CoP (Community of Practice)
- cop. (copyrighted)
- COPA (Comite´ des Organisations Professionelles Agricoles de la CEE)
- COPAC (Community Patent Court)
- COPD (chronic)
- COPPA (Children)
- coq. (coquatur)
- cor. (corrected)
- CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
- CORE (Council of Registrars)
- Corp. (Corporal)
- Corp. Chr. (Corpus Christi)
- corp. del. (Corpus Delicti)
- Corp. jur. (Corpus Juris)
- Corp. Jur. Can. (Corpus Juris Canonici)
- corr. (corrected)
- corr. corr. impr. (correctis corrigendis imprimatur)
- cos (Kosinus)
- c.o.s. (cash on shipment)
- cosec (Kosekans)
- COSI (Client Oriented Scale of Improvement)
- COST (European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research)
- CoSy (Conferencing System)
- cot (Kotangens)
- cotg (Kotangens)
- coth (Cotangens hyperbolicus)
- Coul. (Couleur)
- Coup. (Coupage)
- cour. (couragiert)
- Court. (Courtage)
- Cous. (Cousin; Cousine)
- Cout. (Couture; Couturier)