Deutsch Abkürzungen von ec bis ecl
- ec (Eurocheque)
- ec. (ecuadorianisch)
- E.c. (English conditions)
- EC$ (Ostkaribischer Dollar)
- .ec (Ecuador)
- ECA (Economic Commission for Africa)
- ECAC (European Civil Aviation Conference)
- ECAFE (Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East)
- E-Cash (Electronic Cash)
- ECB (Den Europaeiske Centralbank)
- ECC (Error Correction Code)
- ECCA (European Cable Communications Association)
- ECCC (European Communications Coordinating Committee)
- ECCE (European Centre for Community Education)
- Eccl. (Ecclesia)
- ECCO (European Community Chamber Orchestra)
- ECDL (european computer driving licence)
- ECE (Economic Commission for Europe)
- ECEA (Export-Consortium Europäischer Ausrüster von Industrieanlagen)
- ECF (elemental chlorine free)
- ECG (European Constitutional Group)
- ECH (Epichlorhydrin)
- ECHA (European Council for High Ability)
- ECHO (European Concert Halls Organization)
- ECHO-Viren (Enteric-cytopathogenic-human-orphan-Viren)
- ECITO (European Central Inland Transport Organization)
- ECJ (European Court of Justice)
- ECK (elektrochemisches Kombinat)
- ECL (emitter coupled logic)