Deutsch Abkürzungen von ecla bis ed
- ECLA (Economic Commission for Latin America)
- ECM (elektrochemische Metallbearbeitung)
- ECM[-Flugzeug] (electronic counter measurement)
- ECMA (European Computer Manufacturer)
- ECME (Economic Commission for the Middle East)
- ECMS (Enterprise Content Management System)
- ECMT (European Conference of Ministers of Transport)
- ECMWF (European Center for medium-term Weatherforecast)
- ECN (Electronic Communication Network)
- ECNR (European Council for Nuclear Research)
- ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization)
- E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce)
- econ. (economical, economics, economy)
- ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council)
- ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States)
- ECP (enhanced capability port)
- ECPA (European Crop Protection Association)
- ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes)
- ECPS (European Credit Point System)
- ECR (Efficient Consumer Response)
- ECRN (European Chemical Regional Network)
- ECS (European Committee for Coordination of Standards)
- ECSA (European Communications Security Agency)
- ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community)
- ECSO (European Conference of Symphony Orchestras)
- ECSR (European Consortium of Sociological Research)
- ECT (Europe Container Terminus)
- e.c.t. (ectara)
- ECTF (Enterprise Computer Telephony)
- ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
- ECU (European Clearing Union)
- ecuad. (ecuadorianisch)
- ecuador. (ecuadorianisch)
- ECVM (European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers)
- ECYO (European Community Youth Orchestra)
- ED (Effektivdosis)
- Ed. (Edition)
- e.D. (exklusive Dividende)