Deutsch Abkürzungen von ibo bis icac
- IBO (International Broadcasting Organization)
- IBP ([Fraunhofer-]Institut für Bauphysik)
- IBPGR (International Board for plant genetic Resources)
- IBR (image-based rendering)
- i.Br. (im Breisgau)
- IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
- IBS (Innovationsberatungsstelle[n])
- IBSA (International Best-Service-Award)
- IBSK (Internationale Bodensee-Schifffahrtskommission)
- IBSL (Internationaler Bund der Schuh- und Lederarbeiter)
- IBTE (International Bureau for Technical Education)
- IBTT (International Bureau for Technical Training)
- IBU (Informationsverbund Buchhandel)
- IBV (Internationaler Bergarbeiterverband)
- ibw (Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft)
- IBWM (International Bureau of Weights and Measures)
- IBZ (Internationales Begegnungszentrum)
- IC (Identification Card)
- I.C. (Immun Coeli)
- ICA (Independent Communication Architecture)
- ICAA (International Civil Airports Association)
- ICAC (International Cotton Advisory Committee)