Deutsch Abkürzungen von icef bis ico
- ICEF (International Children)
- ICEM (Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration)
- ICER (incremental cost effectiveness ratio)
- ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea)
- ICET (International Council on Education for Teaching)
- ICF (International Canoe Federation)
- I.C.F. (Institut Cine´matographique de France)
- ICFB (International Catholic Film Bureau)
- ICFC (International Centre of Films for Children)
- ICFW (Internationaler Club Frankfurter Wirtschaftsjournalisten)
- ICG (interaktive Computergrafik)
- ICH (input/output controller hub)
- ICHCA (International Cargo Handling Coordination Association)
- ich dich auch mein sü (idamse)
- ICHEIC (The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims)
- ICHS (International Committee of Historical Sciences)
- ICHTHYS (Iesous, Christus, Theou, (H)Yios, Soter)
- ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries)
- ICIA (International Credit Insurance Association)
- ICICI (Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India)
- ICID (International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage)
- ICIPE (International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology)
- ICITO (Interim Commission of the International Trade Organization)
- ICIW (International Confederation of Professional and Intellectual Workers)
- ICJ (International Commission of Jurists)
- ICL (intraokulare Contactlinse)
- ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives)
- ICM (image color matching)
- ICMA (International Congress for Modern Architecture)
- ICMC (International Catholic Migration Commission)
- ICMICA (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs)
- ICMP (internet control message protocol)
- ICN (Intercity Neigezug)
- ICO (International Coffee Organization)