Deutsch Abkürzungen von ico bis id
- ICO (International Coffee Organization)
- ICOGRADA (International Council of Graphic Design Associations)
- ICOM (International Council of Museums)
- ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites)
- iCOMP (Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance Index)
- ICP (International Committee of Public Relations Consultancies Associations)
- ICPC (International Criminal Police Commission)
- ICPO (International Criminal Police Organization)
- ICPU (International Catholic Press Union)
- icq (i seek you)
- ICR (intelligent character recognition)
- ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
- ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection)
- ICRU (International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements)
- ICS (International Chamber of Shipping)
- ICSA (International Customer Service Association)
- ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers)
- ICSH (interstitial cell stimulating hormone)
- ICSI (intracytoplasmatische Spermieninjektion)
- ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)
- ICSM (International Committee of Scientific Management)
- ICSU (International Christian Social Union)
- ICSV (Internationale Christlich-Soziale Vereinigung)
- ICSW (International Conference of Social Work)
- ICT ([Fraunhofer-]Institut für chemische Technologie)
- ICTM (International Council of Traditional Music)
- ICTR-UN (International Crime Tribunal for Ruanda)
- ICTY-UN (International Crime Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia)
- ICU (International Conservation Union)
- ICUE (International Committee on University Emergency)
- ICV (International Commission of Viticulture)
- ICVM (interaktives Customer Value Management)
- ICW (International Council of Women)
- i.c.w. (in conjunction with)
- ICZN (International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature)
- ID (Idaho)
- I.D. (Ihre Durchlaucht)
- id. (ideal)
- .id (Indonesien)