Deutsch Abkürzungen von iu bis ius
- IU (Insassenunfall[versicherung])
- i.U. (im/in Umbau)
- IUA (International Union of Advertising)
- IUAA (International Union of Advertisers Association)
- IUAI (International Union of Aviation Insurers)
- IUAO (International Union for Applied Ornithology/Internationale Union für Angewandte Ornithologie)
- IUAS (International Union of Agricultural Sciences)
- I.u.A.v. (Irrtum und Auslassungen vorbehalten)
- IUB (International Union of Biochemistry)
- IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences)
- IUC (International Union of Cartography)
- IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources)
- IUCr (International Union of Crystallography)
- IUCW (International Union for Child Welfare)
- IUCWL (International Union of Catholic Women)
- IUD (intrauterine device)
- IUDSE (Internationale Union Demokratisch-Sozialistischer Erzieher)
- i.ü. (im übrigen)
- IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer)
- i.u.F. (im umgekehrten Fall[e])
- IUFO (International Union of Family Organizations)
- IUFTAV (Internationale Union für Forschung, Technik und Anwendung des Vakuums)
- IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)
- IUGS (International Union of Geological Sciences)
- IUHS (International Union of History of Sciences)
- IUI (International Union of Interpreters)
- IuK (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik[en]/technologie[n])
- IuKDG (Informations- und Kommunikationsdienstegesetz)
- IULA (International Union of Local Authorities)
- IUNS (International Union of Nutritional Sciences)
- IUOTO (International Union of Official Travel Organizations)
- IUP (Intra-Uterin-Pessar)
- IUPA (International Union of Practitioners in Advertising)
- IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
- IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics)
- IUPN (International Union for the Protection of Nature)
- IUR (International Union of Railways)
- IURIS (juristisches Informationssystem)
- IUS (International Union of Students)