Abkürzung ces
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
CES: Bedeutung | ||
CES | Comite´ Electrotechnique Suisse | |
CES | Conseil Economique et Social [UNO] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ces
- CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China
- CAJ - Christliche Arbeiterjugend
- CAQ - Chirurgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Qualitätssicherung
- CAS - California Academy of Sciences
- CASE - computer-aided/assisted software/system engineering
- CASH - Clerici Apostolici Sancti Hieronymi
- CASW - computer assisted social work
- CaZ - Cetanzahl
- CCIC - Comite´ Consultatif International du Coton
- CEAC - Confe´rence Europe´enne de l
- CEC - Centre Europe´en de la Culture
- CECA - Communaute´ Europe´enne du Charbon et de l
- CEEC - Committee for European Economic Cooperation
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ces vorkommt
- AFCENT - Allied Forces Central Europe
- AFMED - Allied Forces Mediterranean
- AFN - American Forces Network
- AFNORTH - Allied Forces Northern Europe
- AFPS - Armed Forces Press Service
- AFRTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
- AFSOUTH - Allied Forces Southern Europe
- AFSS - Air Force Secret Satellite
- A.I.D.A. - Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances
- AIRCENT - Allied Air Forces Central Europe
- AIRNORTH - Allied Air Forces Northern Europe
- AIRSOUTH - Allied Air Forces Southern Europe
- AISE - Association Internationale des Sciences Economiques
- AISJ - Association Internationale des Sciences Juridiques
- ALFCENT - Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- ALP - Automated Learning Process
- AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
- AP - access point
- ARTS - Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
- AS - Academy of Sciences
- AS - Acade´mie des Sciences
- ASAS - American Society of Agricultural Sciences
- ASESA - Armed Services Electro Standards Agency
- A.S.M.P. - Acade´mie des Sciences Morales et Politiques
- AWACS - Asynchronous Transfer Mode Wireless Access Communication System
- BeIA - Be internet access
- BFBS - British Forces Broadcasting Services
- BFN - British Forces Network
- BPO - business process outsourcing
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CARE - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe/Everywhere
- Care - Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe/Everywhere
- CAS - California Academy of Sciences
- CAS - Chicago Academy of Sciences
- CCP - console command processor
- CDMA - code division multiple access
- CDRAM - cached dynamic random access memory
- CEA - Comite´ Europe´en des Assurances
- CECOMA - Confe´de´ration Europe´enne des Commerces de Mobilier, Machines de Bureau et Accessoires
- C.EDOK - C.eskoslovenska´ Dopravni´ Kance´lar.
- C.edok - C.eskoslovenska´ Dopravni´ Kance´lar.
- CFE - Conventional Forces in Europe
- CINCAFMED - Commander in Chief Allied Forces Mediterranean
- CINCAIRCENT - Commander in Chief Allied Airforces Central Europe
- CINCENT - Commander in Chief Allied Forces Central Europe
- CINCNORTH - Commander in Chief Allied Forces Northern Europe
- CINCSOUTH - Commander in Chief Allied Forces Southern Europe
- CINCUS - Commander in Chief United States Armed Forces
- CISO - Comite´ International des Sciences Onomastiques
- CJTF - Combined Joint Task Forces
- COMAIRCENT - Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe
- COMLANDCENT - Commander Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- COMNAVCENT - Commander Allied Naval Forces Central Europe
- CPE - central processing element
- CPU - central processing unit
- CPUID - central processing unit identification
- C.SA - C.eskoslovenske´ Aerolinie
- CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
- CSO - Computing Services Office
- CTK - Ceska´ tiskova´ kancela´r
- CUA - common user access
- DAL - data access language
- DAM - direct access mode
- DAO - data access objects
- DASD - direct access storage device
- DMA - direct memory access
- DOCSIS - data over cable service interface specifications
- DOMAIN - Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network
- DP - data processing
- DPAM - demand priority access method
- DPS - document processing system
- DRAM - dynamic random access memory
- DSP - digital signal processor
- EAR - external access register
- EDPM - Electronic Data Processing Machine[s]
- EDRAM - exhanced dynamic random access memory
- EEPO - European Electricity Prices Observatory
- EFFS - European Federation of Funeral Services
- EMP - excessive multi posting
- EPS - environmental protection services
- ERTS - Earth Resources Technology Satellite
- ESSEC - Ecole Supe´rieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales
- FAC - file access code
- FFA - Forces Francaises en¸ Allemagne
- FIALS - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Arts, des Lettres et des Sciences
- FIAV - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Agences de Voyages
- FIESP - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Politiques
- FRAM - ferroelectric/ferromagnetic random access memory
- FSA - Financial Services Authority
- FTAM - file transfer access and management
- GAP - generic access profile
- GATS - General Agreement on Trade in Services
- GEA - Group for Efficient Appliances
- GFMS - Gold Fields Mineral Services
- GMP - Good Manufacturing Practices
- GPU - Graphical Processing Unit
- GSA - General Services Administration
- GSP - Generalized System of Preferences
- h.e. - hic est
- h.e. - hoc est
- Hird - Hurd of Interfaces Representing Depths
- HRM - human resources management
- IAC - International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences Program of UNESCO
- IAD - integrated access device
- IAP - Internet Access Provider
- IAPC - International Auditing Practices Committee
- IBPGR - International Board for plant genetic Resources
- ICAS - International Council of Aerospace Sciences
- ICHS - International Committee of Historical Sciences
- iCOMP - Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance Index
- IFALS - International Federation of Arts, Letters and Sciences
- IFES - International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services
- IFIP - International Federation for Information Processing
- IFOR - Implementation Forces
- Ifor - Implementation Forces
- IGP - integrated graphics processor
- IIAS - International Institute of Administrative Sciences
- IIFP - Institut International des Finances Publiques
- IISA - Institut International des Sciences Administratives
- IISPS - International Institute of Social and Political Sciences
- IISSP - Institut International des Sciences Sociales et Politiques
- IMAP - internet mail access protocol
- INF - Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
- INS - International Network Services
- IOCD - International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development
- IPC - Interprocess Communication
- IRSO - Jewish Restitution Successor Organization
- IS - Intelligence Service
- I.S. - Intelligence Service
- ISAM - index sequential access method
- ISD - Investment Services Directive
- ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
- ISS - International Space Station
- ITGS - intelligent traffic guidance system
- IUAS - International Union of Agricultural Sciences
- IUBS - International Union of Biological Sciences
- IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
- IUGS - International Union of Geological Sciences
- IUHS - International Union of History of Sciences
- IUNS - International Union of Nutritional Sciences
- Kc. - Koruna c.eska´
- KISS - Kursinformations-Service-System
- LANDCENT - Allied Land Forces Central Europe
- LAPB - link access procedure balanced
- LAPM - link access procedure for modems
- LDE - low dynamic ESP
- LVDS - low voltage difference signalling
- MA - memory access
- MAC - medium access control
- MAU - medium access unit