Abkürzung ny
3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- N.Y. (2 Bedeutungen)
- NY (3 Bedeutungen)
N.Y.: Bedeutung | ||
N.Y. | New York [Staat der USA] | |
N.Y. | New York |
NY: Bedeutung | ||
NY | Niesky [NOL] | |
NY | New York [Staat der USA] | |
NY | New York |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ny
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ny vorkommt
- a. - anonym
- AA - Anonyme Alkoholiker
- anon. - anonym
- A&P - The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company
- ARAMCO - Arabian-American Oil Company
- ASAP - any service
- AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- Barig - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BARIG - Board of Airlines Representatives in Germany
- BAT - British-American Tobacco [Company]
- Bp - British Petroleum Company
- CASH - Clerici Apostolici Sancti Hieronymi
- CD-WORM - compact disc write once read many
- CIT - computer integrated telephony
- col. - colony
- CPEB - cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element Binding Protein
- DDD - Dichlordiphenyldichlorethan
- DDT - Dichlordiphenyltrichloräthan
- DECT - digital enhanced/European cordless telephony/ telecommunication
- DINP - Diisononylphthalat
- DLC - dual listed company
- Dopa - Dihydroxyphenylalanin
- DOPA - Dihydroxyphenylalanin
- DPH - Diphenylhydantoin
- EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- ECSO - European Conference of Symphony Orchestras
- ECTF - Enterprise Computer Telephony
- ECVM - European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers
- ENG - Elektronystagmographie
- ETUC - European Trade Union Company
- EUYO - European Union Youth Orchestra
- EVA - Ethylenvinylacetat
- G - Germany
- GE - General Electric [Company]
- GUM - Gossudarstwenny Uniwersalny Magasin
- GYA - German Youth Activities
- HICOG - High Commissioner for Germany
- HICOM - High Commission for Germany
- ICI - Investment Company Institute
- IPC - Iraq Petroleum Company
- IQSY - International Quiet Sun Year
- KANU - Kenya African National Union
- KNA - Kenya News Agency
- KOR - Komitet Obrony Robotniko´w
- KPU - Kenya People
- LSO - London Symphony Orchestra
- MGC - Miss Germany Corporation
- NBC - National Broadcasting Company
- NIGC - National Iranian Gas Company
- NIOC - National Iranian Oil Company
- NKWD - Narodny Komissariat Wnutrennich Del
- p - Penny
- Patr. - Patronymikon
- PCB - polychlorierte Biphenyle
- PCT - polychlorierte Terphenyle
- PEA - Phenylethylamin
- PKN - Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny
- PKU - Phenylketonurie
- plc - public limited company
- PLC - public limited company
- PPD - Paraphenylendiamin
- PPE - Polyphenylether
- PPT - Polyphenyl-Terephthalamid
- Ps. - Pseudonym
- Pseud. - Pseudonym
- PTC - Phenylthiocarbamid
- PVA - Polyvinylalkohol
- PVAC - Polyvinylacetat
- PVB - Polyvinylbutyral
- PVC - Polyvinylchlorid
- PVP - Polyvinylpyrrolidon
- RSC - Royal Shakespeare Company
- RT - radiotelephony
- SABENA - Socie´te´ Anonyme Belge d
- Sabena - Socie´te´ Anonyme Belge d
- S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface
- syn. - synonym[isch]
- Syn. - Synonym[ie]; Synonymik
- TAC - Thai Airways Company
- TAPI - telephone/telephony application programming interface
- TLA - three letter acronym
- TOHO - tiny office/home office
- TSAPI - telephony services application programming interface
- V - Vinyl
- VC - Vinylchlorid
- W.G. - Western Germany
- Worm-Platten - Write-onceread-many-Platten
- nsy - Not Seen Yet
- CATS - Computer Aided Telephony Services
- mellmies - synonym
- establishment - company
- hdy - halt dein y (Ypsilon)
- 4-NDPA - 4-Nitrodiphenyamin
- mya - million years ago
- jvc - Victor Company of Japan, Limited
- co. - company
- jY - jY ist das Label des Programmierers JanY The Rat King (damals Jan.Y.). Doch was "jY" zu bedeuten hat
- ALCOA - Aluminum Company of America
- EYES - European Year of Education through Sport
- IHC - International Harvester Company