3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 4 Gruppen
ad. v.: Bedeutung |
ad. v. | ad valorem |
adv.: Bedeutung |
adv. | adverbial |
adv. | |
Adv.: Bedeutung |
Adv. | Advent |
Adv. | Adverb |
Adv. | Advokat |
ADV: Bedeutung |
ADV | Abteilung für Datenverarbeitung |
ADV | Akademie für Datenverarbeitung |
ADV | Atlas der deutschen Volkskunde |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie adv
- ADAV - Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein
- AdB - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Buchhandlungen
- ADP - Arbeitsdienstpflicht
- ADTV - Allgemeiner Deutscher Tanzlehrer-Verband
- ADVA - automatisierte Datenverarbeitungsanlage
- AEDB - allgemeine Einbruchdiebstahlversicherungsbedingungen
- AIDP - Association Internationale du Droit Pe´nal
- AITP - Autoimmunthrombozytopenie
- ATAF - Allied Tactical Air Force
- ATAPI - advanced technology attachment packet interface
- ATB - Akademischer Turn[er]bund
- ATP - Adenosintriphosphat
- ATV - Abwassertechnische Vereinigung
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen adv vorkommt
- AAC - advanced audio coding
- ADN - Advanced Digital Network
- adv. - adverbial
- Adv. - Advent
- Adv. - Adverb
- Adv. - Advokat
- ad. v. - ad valorem
- ad vitr. - ad vitrum
- advs. - adversativ
- Adware - advertising software
- AES - advanced encryption standard
- AGA - advanced graphics adapter
- AGARD - Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development
- AGE - advanced glycation endproducts
- AGMR - Advanced Gascooled Maritime Reactor
- AGR - Advanced Gascooled Reactor
- AIG - advertising information group
- AIM - advanced information management
- AIT - advanced intelligent tape
- AIX - advanced interactive executive
- ALDC - advanced lossless data compression
- AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
- AME - advanced metal evaporated
- AMPS - advanced mobile phone system
- AMSA - Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft
- ANI - Adventure Network International
- AO - Advokatenordnung
- AOD - advanced optical disc
- APEX - Advance-Purchase-Excursion-Tarif
- APM - advanced power management
- APPC - Advanced Program to Program Communication
- APS - Advanced Photo System
- AS - advanced server
- .asf - advanced streaming format
- ASMS - Advanced Surface Missile System
- ASPI - advanced SCSI programming interface
- AT - advanced technology
- ATA - advanced technology attachment
- ATAPI - advanced technology attachment packet interface
- ATTAS - Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System
- a.v. - ad valorem
- A.V. - ad vivum
- AVS - Advanced Vertical and Short Take-off and Landing Weapon System
- BAAS - British Association for the Advancement of Science
- BIAC - Business and Industry Advisory Commission
- CAESAR - Center of Advanced European Studies and Research
- CEA - Council of Economic Advisers
- c.i.a. - cash in advance
- CTA - commodity trading advisor
- EAAA - European Association of Advertising Agencies
- EAC - European Advisory Commission
- EASA - The European Advertising Standards Alliance
- EFRAG - European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
- EGTA - European Group for Television Advertising
- GAIN - German Advanced Integrated Network
- IAA - International Advertising Association
- IAB - Internet Advertising Bureau
- IAC - Import Advisory Committee
- IAC - International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences Program of UNESCO
- ICAC - International Cotton Advisory Committee
- tia - thanks in advance
- IRAC - Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee
- IUA - International Union of Advertising
- IUAA - International Union of Advertisers Association
- IUPA - International Union of Practitioners in Advertising
- MAAG - Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MAS - Master of Advanced Studies
- MAYA - Most Advanced Yet Acceptable
- n/a - no advice
- N/A - no advice
- NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- NEAT - new enhanced advanced technology
- NIAG - NATO Industrial Advisory Group
- PAC - Personal Advanced Computer
- SAGB - Senior Advisory Group on Biotechnology
- SAP - service advertising protocol
- SATA - serial advanced technology attachement
- Serial-ATA - serial advanced technology attachments
- STAS - short time advertising strength
- T.E.A.M. - Top European Advertising Media
- WFA - World Federation of Advertisers
- pta - prepaid ticket advice