Abkürzung alc
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ALC: Bedeutung | ||
ALC | Arab League Council [Rat der Arabischen Liga] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie alc
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen alc vorkommt
- Aldehyd - Alcoholus dehydrogenatus
- ANC - African National Congress
- APC-Viren - adenoidal-pharyngeal-conjunctival-Viren
- ASICA - Association Internationale pour la Calcul Analogique
- BICE - Bureau International Catholique de l
- BMC - bone mineral content
- Ca - Calcium
- Ca - Calcium
- C.I.C. - Centre International du Calcul
- CIC - Centre International du Calcul
- CNC - computerized numerical control
- CPC - color personal computer
- Crhuks - Calciumregulierende Hormone und Knochenstoffwechsel
- CRHUKS - Calciumregulierende Hormone und Knochenstoffwechsel
- DCC - digital compact cassette
- DCS - digital cellular system
- DCS - digital communication system
- DDC - direct digital control
- Digicam - Digitalcamera
- DK-IEC - Deutsches Komitee der International Electrotechnical Commission
- DNC - Direct Numerial Control
- ECC - European Cultural Centre
- ECF - elemental chlorine free
- ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council
- EMCC - European Municipal Credit Community
- EPC - European Political Community
- ESC - Economic and Social Council
- ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
- FCC - Federal Communications Commission
- GCPF - Global Crop Protection Federation
- GMC - General Medical Council
- HFC - hybrid fiber coaxial cable
- HPTC - high performance technical computing
- IAPCO - International Association of Professional Congress Organizers
- IC - International Conference
- ICA - International Cartographic Association
- ICA - International Coffee Agreement
- ICA - International Commission for Acoustics
- ICA - International Cooperation Administration
- ICA - International Confederation of Agriculture
- ICA - International Cooperative Alliance
- ICA - International Council of Archives
- ICAA - International Civil Airports Association
- ICAA - International Confederation of Artists
- ICAC - International Cotton Advisory Committee
- ICAE - International Commission of Agricultural Engineering
- ICAE - International Conference of Agricultural Economists
- ICAE - International Council for Adult Education
- ICAI - International Commission for Agricultural Industries
- ICAI - International Committee for Aid to Intellectuals
- ICAN - International Commission for Air Navigation
- ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
- ICAP - International Committee of Artists for Peace
- ICAS - International Council of Aerospace Sciences
- ICATU - International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions
- ICB - International Container-Bureau
- ICBL - International Campaign for the Ban of Landmines
- ICBP - International Committee for Bird Preservation
- ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
- ICC - International Children
- ICC - International Climatological Commission
- ICC - International Color Consortium
- ICC - International Communications Conference
- ICC - International Computation Centre
- ICC - International Congregational Council
- ICC - International Criminal Court
- ICCA - International Congress and Convention Association
- ICCA - International Council of Chemical Associations
- ICCC - International Conference of Catholic Charities
- ICCE - International Council of Commerce Employers
- ICCEE - International Classification Commission for Electrical Engineering
- ICCF - International Committee on Canned Foods
- ICCMO - International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics
- ICCTA - International Consultative Council of Travel Agents
- ICD - International Classification of Diseases
- ICDO - International Civil Defense Organization
- ICDP - International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace
- ICE - International Chemical Environment
- ICE - International Cultural Exchange
- ICEF - International Children
- ICEF - International Council for Educational Film
- ICEM - Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration
- ICER - incremental cost effectiveness ratio
- ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
- ICET - International Council on Education for Teaching
- ICF - International Canoe Federation
- ICFB - International Catholic Film Bureau
- ICFC - International Centre of Films for Children
- ICG - International Commission on Glass
- ICG - International Congress of Genetics
- ICH - International Conference on Harmonisation
- ICHCA - International Cargo Handling Coordination Association
- ICHEIC - The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims
- ICHS - International Committee of Historical Sciences
- ICI - Imperial Chemical Industries
- ICI - International Castle Research Institute
- ICI - International Commission on Illumination
- ICIA - International Credit Insurance Association
- ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
- ICID - International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage
- ICIPE - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology
- ICIW - International Confederation of Professional and Intellectual Workers
- ICJ - International Commission of Jurists
- ICJ - International Court of Justice
- ICLEI - International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
- ICM - International Committee for Migration
- ICMA - International Congress for Modern Architecture
- ICMC - International Catholic Migration Commission
- ICMICA - International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs
- ICN - International Council of Nurses
- ICO - International Coffee Organization
- ICO - International Commission on Oceanography
- ICO - International Commission for Optics
- ICOGRADA - International Council of Graphic Design Associations
- ICOM - International Council of Museums
- ICOMOS - International Council on Monuments and Sites
- ICP - International Committee of Public Relations Consultancies Associations
- ICPC - International Criminal Police Commission
- ICPO - International Criminal Police Organization
- ICPU - International Catholic Press Union
- ICR - International Council of Reprography
- ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
- ICRP - International Commission on Radiological Protection
- ICRU - International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements
- ICS - International Chamber of Shipping
- ICSA - International Customer Service Association
- ICSC - International Council of Shopping Centers
- ICSH - interstitial cell stimulating hormone
- ICSID - International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
- ICSID - International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
- ICSM - International Committee of Scientific Management
- ICSU - International Christian Social Union
- ICSU - International Council of Scientific Unions
- ICSW - International Conference of Social Work
- ICSW - International Council on Social Welfare
- ICT - International Commercial Terms
- ICT - International Council of Tanners
- ICT - International Critical Tables
- ICTM - International Council of Traditional Music
- ICTR-UN - International Crime Tribunal for Ruanda
- ICTY-UN - International Crime Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia
- ICU - International Conservation Union
- ICUE - International Committee on University Emergency
- ICV - International Commission of Viticulture
- ICW - International Council of Women
- ICZN - International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature
- IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
- IFCA - International Catering Association
- IFM - International Falcon Movement
- IGC - International Geological Congress