1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 4 Gruppen
cop.: Bedeutung |
cop. | copyrighted |
Cop.: Bedeutung |
Cop. | Copyright |
COP: Bedeutung |
COP | Kolumbianischer Peso |
CoP: Bedeutung |
CoP | Community of Practice |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie cop
- .cab - cabinet
- c.a.f. - cost and freight
- c. & f. - cost and freight
- CAFEA - Commission for Asian and Far Eastern Affairs
- c.aff. - con affetto
- CAP - Chloramphenicol
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAPI - common application programming interface
- capp. - cappella
- CAV - constant angular velocity
- CAVE - cave automatic virtual environment
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen cop vorkommt
- AFM - Atomic Force Microscope
- AMS - American Microscopical Society
- BCC - blind carbon copy
- B.I.P.O. - British Institute of Public Opinion
- BIPO - British Institute of Public Opinion
- cc - carbon copy
- CC - carbon copy
- CCEE - Concilium Conferentiarum Episcoporum Europae
- Cobra - Copenhagen, Brüssel, Amsterdam
- cop. - copyrighted
- Cop. - Copyright
- ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- IGCC - Intergovernmental Copyright Committee
- MCPS - Mechanical Copyright Protection Society
- NCB - Nordisk Copyright Bureau
- NTT - new technology telescope
- p.c. - pro copia
- SALT - Southern African Large Telescope
- s.cop. - sine copia
- STM - Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Tel - Telescopium
- USP - United States Pharmacopoeia
- UUCP - Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol
- VLT - very large telescope
- ACAB - All Cops Are Bastards
- Cn - Copernicium
- Cn - copernicio
- ([( - Robocop
- ([) - Robocop