Abkürzung rof
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
ROF: Bedeutung | ||
ROF | Rotenburg an der Fulda [HEF] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie rof
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen rof vorkommt
- Aria - Aeroflot Russian International Airlines
- ASP - Association of Shareware Professionals
- A.S.P.E.E. - Association Suisse des Professionels de l
- ATP - Association of Tennis Professionals
- B.A. - Baccalaureus Artium; Bachelor of Arts
- BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- B.E. - Bachelor of Engineering
- B.Eng. - Bachelor of Engineering
- betr. - betroffen
- BFIO - Büro für Führungskräfte zu Internationalen Organisationen
- BFM - Bachelor of Finance and Management
- BFW - Büro Führungskräfte der Wirtschaft
- B.I.E.F. - Büro für Industrielle Entwicklung in Frankreich
- BPW - Business and Professional Women
- B.S. - Bachelor of Surgery
- StUffz - Stabsunteroffizier
- SU - Stabsunteroffizier
- Uffz - Unteroffizier
- U - Unteroffizier
- CAESAR - Center of Advanced European Studies and Research
- CAR - Center of Automotive Research
- C.B.E. - Commander of the Order of the British Empire
- CBE - Commander of the Order of the British Empire
- CDG - congenital disorder of glycosylation
- Cedefop - Centre Europe´en de la Formation professionelle
- CEDEFOP - Centre Europe´en de la Formation professionelle
- C.G. - center of gravity
- CIVC - Comite´ interprofessionel du vin de Champagne
- CLC - Commercial Letter of Credit
- CMOPE - Confe´de´ration Mondiale des Organisations de la Profession Enseignante
- CMS - center of mass system
- COM - computer output microfilm
- COPA - Comite´ des Organisations Professionelles Agricoles de la CEE
- D.C.L. - Doctor of Canon Law
- D.C.L. - Doctor of Civil Law
- D. Eng. - Doctor of Engineering
- D.M. - Doctor of Medicine
- DOB - Deutscher Offiziersbund
- D.S. - Doctor of Science
- D.Sc. - Doctor of Science
- D.Th. - Doctor of Theology
- DTHP - Direct to Health Professional
- DVC Pro - digital video cassette professional
- EFT - euro file transfer
- EMBA - Executive Master of Business Administration
- EMSM - Executive Master of Science in Management
- FIFPro - Fe´de´ration Internationale de Footballeurs Professionels
- FOKUS - Fraunhofer-Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme
- FTO - Funktechnischer Offizier
- GAIP - German Association of Investment Professionals
- GAP - generic access profile
- getr. - getroffen
- GP - Gymnasialprofessor
- HCP - high capacity profile
- Hon.-Prof. - Honorarprofessor
- HUS - Heeresunteroffizierschule
- IAPCO - International Association of Professional Congress Organizers
- IAUPL - International Association of University Professors and Lectures
- IBE - International Bureau of Education/Internationales Büro für Erziehung
- IBGM - Internationales Büro für Gewichte und Ma
- IBMG - Internationales Büro für Ma
- ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
- ICIW - International Confederation of Professional and Intellectual Workers
- ICS - International Chamber of Shipping
- IFBPW - International Federation of Business and Professional Women
- IISBP - International Institute of Strategic Business Professionals
- IKBK - Internationales Katholisches Büro für das Kind
- ILO - International Labour Office
- IMBA - International Master of Business Administration
- .pro - professionals
- IOGT - Independent/International Order of Good Templars
- IVF - In-vitro-Fertilisation
- SMOM - Souvereign Military Order of Malta
- KS-Bahn - Kleinprofil-Schnellbahn
- L.C. - letter of credit
- L/C - letter of credit
- LPGA - Ladies Professional Golfer
- LPX - low profile extender
- LSTO - leitender Schiffstechnischer Offizier
- L/T - letter of transmittal
- M.A. - Magister Artium; Master of Arts
- MAI - Commercial Member of Appraisal Institute
- MAS - Master of Advanced Studies
- Math.-Prof. - Mathematikprofessor
- MBA - Master of Business Administration
- MBC - Master of Business Controlling
- MBE - Master of Business and Engineering
- M.B.E. - Member of the Order of the British Empire
- MBE - Member of the Order of the British Empire
- MBI - Master of Business Informatics
- MBL - Master of Business Law
- MBM - Master of Business Marketing
- M.C. - Master of Ceremonies
- M.C. - Member of Congress
- M.C. - Member of Council
- MCM - Master of Information- and Communication-Management
- M.D.S. - Master of Dental Surgery
- MeM - Master of ethical Management
- M.Eng. - Master of Engineering
- MEP - Member of the European Parliament
- MEUS - Master of European Studies
- mF - Mikrofarad
- MFC - Master of Financial Consulting
- M.H.R. - Member of the House of Representatives
- Mi. - Mikrofon
- Mik. - Mikrofon
- Mikr. - Mikrofon
- Mikro - Mikrofon
- Mikrof. - Mikrofauna
- Mikrof. - Mikrofilm
- Mikrof. - Mikrofon
- MMAP - Multimedia Access Profile
- M.P. - Member of Parliament
- MP - Member of Parliament
- M.Ph. - Master of Philosophy
- MPI - Meetings Professionals International
- M.R.A.S. - Member of the Royal Academy of Science
- M.S. - Master of Surgery
- MSc - Master of Science
- M.Sc. - Master of Science
- NP - Normalprofil
- NPO - Non-Profit-Organisation[en]
- O.B.E. - Officer/Order of the British Empire
- OBE - Officer/Order of the British Empire
- o.ö.Prof. - ordentlicher öffentlicher Professor
- o.Prof. - ordentlicher Professor
- OPS - open profiling standard
- PC - Profitcenter
- PCO - Professional Congress Organizer
- p.f. - pro forma
- PGA - Professional Golfer
- PGA - professional graphics adapter
- PGC - professional graphics card
- PHM - Patrol Hydrofoil Missile
- PHP - professsional homepage
- P.O. - Professor ordinarius
- POW - prisoner of war
- pr. - profan
- pr. - profund
- Pr. - Profess
- Pr. - Professional
- Pr. - Professor
- Pr. - Profi
- Pr. - Profil
- Pr. - Profit
- Prof - Professor[in]
- prof. - professionell
- prof. - profilieren; profiliert
- prof. - profitabel; profitieren