Abkürzung ceo
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
CEO: Bedeutung | ||
CEO | Chief Executive Officer [im Vorstand] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ceo
- c - cycle
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ceo vorkommt
- CARL - Colorado Alliance of Research Laboratories
- CD - Conference on Disarmament
- CENL - Conference of European National Librarians
- EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies
- ECMT - European Conference of Ministers of Transport
- ECSO - European Conference of Symphony Orchestras
- ESOC - European Space Operations Centre
- FATF - Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
- F.O. - Force Ouvrie`re
- FSO - Free-Space Optics
- IACSS - Inter-American Conference of Social Security
- IAW - International Alliance of Women
- ICAE - International Conference of Agricultural Economists
- ICCC - International Conference of Catholic Charities
- ICH - International Conference on Harmonisation
- ICPO - International Criminal Police Organization
- ICSW - International Conference of Social Work
- IOCU - International Office of Consumers
- IOE - International Office of Epizootics
- ISO - Infrared Space Observatory
- n.p.or d. - no place or date
- OFHEO - Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
- OFT - Office of Fair Trade
- OHR - Office of the High Representative
- OMG - Office of Military Government
- OMGUS - Office of Military Government of the United States
- OSS - Office of Strategic Services
- OTA - Office of Technology Assessment
- POPS - performance optimized page size
- TAUN - Technical Assistance of the United Nations
- UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- USO - United Service Organization
- Vodis - voice operated driver information systems
- VoIP - Voice over IP
- VSOP - VLBI Space Observatory Programme
- VoC - Voice over Cable
- SOA - Service Orientated Architecture
- n1 - Nice one
- N1 - Nice one
- cco - chief compliance officer
- FO - Force Ouvrière