Abkürzung ect
1 Abkürzungen gefunden in 2 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- e.c.t. (1 Bedeutung)
- ECT (1 Bedeutung)
e.c.t.: Bedeutung | ||
e.c.t. | ectara |
ECT: Bedeutung | ||
ECT | Europe Container Terminus [Niederlande] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ect
- EASD - European Association for the Study of Diabetes
- EAST - Eingabe-Ausgabe-Steuerung
- ECITO - European Central Inland Transport Organization
- ecuad. - ecuadorianisch
- EGD - Eingliederungsdarlehen
- eGSD - elektrisches Glasschiebedach
- EGT - Einheitsgebührentarif
- EGTA - European Group for Television Advertising
- Ehzgt. - Erzherzogtum
- Eigt. - Eigentum; Eigentümer
- EKD - Eisen-Kohlenstoff-Diagramm
- EKT - Elektrokrampftherapie
- Ekuad. - Ekuadorianer
- ESD - Einschaltdatum
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ect vorkommt
- AIA - American Institute of Architects
- AIDO - Association Internationale des Directeurs de l
- AIEE - American Institute of Electrical Engineers
- AR - ascensio recta
- A.R. - Academiae Rector
- ASE - Association Suisse des Electriciens
- ASEE - Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers
- ASESA - Armed Services Electro Standards Agency
- BEA - British Electricity Authority
- BeV - billion electron volts
- B.L. - benevole lector
- B.L.S. - benevolenti lectori salutem
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CCL - connection control language
- CD-EB - compact disc electronic book
- CEI - Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
- CENELEC - Comite´ Europe´en de Normalisation Electrotechniques
- CEPS - common electronic purse specifications
- CES - Comite´ Electrotechnique Suisse
- cf. - collectio formarum
- CHS - Cylinder, Head, Sector
- CICI - Commission Internationale de Coope´ration Intellectuelle
- CIGRE - Confe´rence Internationale des Grands Re´seaux Electriques
- CIPR - Commission Internationale pour la Protection contre les Radiations
- CIPRA - Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes
- CIR - Comite´ International de la Radioe´lectricite´
- c.o.d. - cash/collect on delivery
- cod - cash/collect on delivery
- col. - collected
- coll. - collected
- coll. - collective
- COM - component object model
- cor. - corrected
- CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- corr. - corrected
- corr. - correction
- Corr. - correction
- corr. corr. impr. - correctis corrigendis imprimatur
- CPD - Collections Premiere Düsseldorf
- CPJ - Committee to Protect Journalists
- CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
- CT - Connecticut
- D.A.D. - documents against discretion of collecting bank
- DAM - direct access mode
- DAO - data access objects
- DASD - direct access storage device
- d.c. - direct current
- D.C. - direct current
- DCOM - distributed component object model
- DCTL - direct coupled transistor logic
- DCTP - digital transmission content protection
- DDC - direct digital control
- DGAC - Direction Ge´ne´rale de l
- DIA - document interchange architecture
- DIME - direct memory execute
- DK-IEC - Deutsches Komitee der International Electrotechnical Commission
- DMA - direct marketing association
- DMA - direct memory access
- DNC - Direct Numerial Control
- D&O - Directors and Officers Liability Insurance
- DOM - document object model
- D.P. - directione propria
- DPMI - DOS protected mode interface
- DSA - Distributed Systems Architecture
- DSD - Direct Stream[ing] Digital
- DSOM - distributed system object model
- DTC - Direct to Consumer
- DTHP - Direct to Health Professional
- DTP - Direct to Physician
- EAROM - electrically alterable read only memory
- EB - electronic banking
- E-Book - Electronic Book
- EBPP - electronic bill presentment und payment
- eBPP - electronic bill presentment und payment
- EBT - Electron Beam Tomography
- E-Cash - Electronic Cash
- ECC - Error Correction Code
- ECM - error correction mode
- ECM[-Flugzeug] - electronic counter measurement
- ECN - Electronic Communication Network
- ECO - Electronic Commerce Forum
- E-Commerce - Electronic Commerce
- ECPA - European Crop Protection Association
- ECR - electronic combat reconnaissance
- EDA - electronic design automation
- EDC - Electronic Diesel Control
- EdF - Electricite´ de France
- EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
- EDIFACT - Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
- EDPM - Electronic Data Processing Machine[s]
- EECW - effective engagement in a changing world
- EEPO - European Electricity Prices Observatory
- EEPROM - electrically erasable and programmable read only memory
- EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation
- EFPW - European Federation for the Protection of Waters
- EFS - Electronic Film System
- EIA - Electronics Industries Alliance
- EIDE - enhanced integrated device electronics
- EIO - enhanced input output architecture
- EISA - enhanced/extended industry standard architecture
- E-Learning - Electronic Learning
- ELM - electronic listening music
- E-Mail - electronic mail
- E-Market - electronic market
- emf - electromotive force
- EMF - electromotive force
- EMI - Electrical and Musical Industries
- EMP - electromagnetic pulse
- EMS - electronic mail service
- emu - electromagnetic unit
- EMU - electromagnetic unit
- E.M.U. - electromagnetic unit
- emu - electromotive unit
- EMU - electromotive unit
- E.M.U. - electromotive unit
- ENG - electronic news gathering
- ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
- EOBD - Electronic on Board Diagnostic
- EP - Electronic Partner
- EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
- EPG - electronic program guide
- EPPO - European [and Mediterranean] Plant Protection Organization
- EPS - electronic publishing system
- EPS - environmental protection services
- ERA - Electric Response Audiometry
- ESCA - electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
- ESD - Electronic Software Distribution
- ESONE - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- Esone - European Standard of Nuclear Electronics
- esu - electrostatic unit
- ESU - electrostatic unit
- eTIN - electronic Taxpayer Identification Number
- ETS - Electronic Toll Station
- EVR - Electronic Video Recording
- E-Zine - electronic magazine
- FAP - Federal Arts Project
- FAS - Fe´de´ration des Architectes Suisses
- FET - field effect transistor / Feldeffekttransistor
- FHSS - frequency hopping spread spectrum
- FISAIC - Fe´de´ration Internationale des Socie´te´s Artistiques et Intellectuelles des Cheminots
- FLC - ferroelectric liquid crystal
- FMPA - Fe´de´ration Mondiale pour la Protection des Animaux
- FRAM - ferroelectric/ferromagnetic random access memory
- FRR - false rejection rate
- FSI - fuel stratified injection
- GBDe - Global Business Dialog on Electronic Commerce
- GCPF - Global Crop Protection Federation
- GE - General Electric [Company]
- GEIS - general electric information system
- GENIE - General Electric Network For Information Exchange