Abkürzung sea
3 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
SEA: Bedeutung | ||
SEA | Aktionsausschuss Sichere Elektrizitätsanwendung | |
SEA | Spieleinnahmeabgabe [Sport] | |
SEA | Stromerzeugeraggregat |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie sea
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen sea vorkommt
- Afta - Asean free trade area
- AFTA - Asean free trade area
- AGARD - Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development
- AGIREV - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internet Research e. V.
- AIMR - Association for Investment Management and Research
- AIR - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Incentive-Reiseagenturen/ Veranstalter
- AKOR - Arbeitskreis Operational Research
- AMFAR - American Foundation for Aids Research
- AMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation
- AOA - American Overseas Airlines
- APA - Austria Presse-Agentur
- APS - automatic program search
- ARCS - Austrian Research Centers
- ARD - American Research and Development Corporation
- AUMA - Ausstellungs- und Messeausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft
- Ausr.-A. - Ausreiseantrag
- BAERE - British Atomic Energy Research Establishment
- BdRB - Bundesverband der Reiseandenken-Branche
- BPA - Bundespresseamt
- CA - Celluloseacetat
- CAB - Celluloseacetobutyrat
- CAESAR - Center of Advanced European Studies and Research
- CAR - Center of Automotive Research
- CARL - Colorado Alliance of Research Laboratories
- CBR - Commodity Research Bureau-Index
- CDA - Civil Defense Administration
- CDA - Comite´ de De´fense Atlantique
- CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- CEPR - Centre for Economic Policy Research
- CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
- Sg - Seaborgium
- CIGRE - Confe´rence Internationale des Grands Re´seaux Electriques
- CJD - Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease
- COST - European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research
- CPA - Christliche Presse-Akademie
- CRA - Clinical Research Associate
- CREN - Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
- CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CWD - chronic wasting disease
- DAD - diffuse alveolar disease
- DGOR - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Operations Research
- DMP - Disease-Management-Programm
- dpa - Deutsche Presse-Agentur
- DR - digital research
- EARB - European Airlines Research Bureau
- EARN - European Academic Research Network
- ECNR - European Council for Nuclear Research
- ECSR - European Consortium of Sociological Research
- EIRMA - European Industrial Research Management Association
- ENRC - European Nuclear Research Centre
- EOEPR - European Organization for Experimental Photogrammetric Research
- EONR - European Organization for Nuclear Research
- EORTC - European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer
- EPA - Europäische Presseagentur
- ERA - Electric Response Audiometry
- ERA - European Research Workers
- ESOMAR - European Society for Opinion Surveys and Market Research
- ESRC - European Science Research Councils
- ESRIN - European Space Research Institute
- ESRO - European Space Research Organization
- EWRC - European Weed Research Council
- FAR - false acceptance rate
- FIRST - Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
- Fossil - fido opus seadog standard interface layer
- GEO - Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
- GIMPS - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
- GOR - German Society for Online Research
- GvHD - Graft-versus-Host-Disease
- Haush.-Vorst. hans. - hanseatisch
- HEK - Hanseatische Ersatzkasse
- IAC - International Advisory Committee on Research in the Natural Sciences Program of UNESCO
- IADR - International Association for Dental Research
- IAHR - International Association for Hydraulic Research
- IAMCR - International Association for Mass Communication Research
- IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
- ICD - International Classification of Diseases
- ICES - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
- ICI - International Castle Research Institute
- IFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute
- IHA - International Horse Association
- IIRS - Institute for Industrial Research and Standards
- IPAV - Internationales Pressearchiv für Verkehrswesen
- IRC - International Research Council
- IRRI - International Rice Research Institute
- IRTF - Internet Research Task Force
- ISH - International Seamen and Harbour Workers
- ISIR - International Society for Interferon-Research
- JRC - Joint Research Centre
- KIPA - Katholische Internationale Presseagentur
- KISS - keyed indexed sequential search
- LAE - vergleichende Leseranalyse ausgewählter Titel bei Entscheidungsträgern in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung
- LMA - Leipziger Messeamt
- MDAP - Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- MEA - Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging
- MIJARC - Mouvement International de la Jeunesse Agricole et Rurale Catholique
- m.M.a.K. - mangels Masse abgelehnter Konkurs
- M.S.L. - mean sea level
- m.s.l. - mean sea level
- mus. - museal
- NAM - Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij
- NBER - National Bureau of Economic Research
- NDAC - Nuclear Defense Affairs Committee
- NEST - nuclear emergency search team
- NRC - National Research Council
- OR - Operations Research
- PA - perniziöse Anämie
- PAL - Phase Alternating/Alternation Line
- PSSA - particularly sensitive sea area
- RARE - Re´seaux Associe´s pour la Recherche Europe´enne
- RB-ILD - respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease
- RFF - Re´seau Ferre´ de France
- RIPE - Re´seaux IP Europe´ens
- ROZ - Researchoktanzahl
- SAR - search and rescue
- SETI - search for extraterres trial intelligence
- Sg - Seaborgium
- Sipri - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- SLCM - sea-launched cruise missile
- SqURL - search and query uniform resource locator
- STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease[s]
- TIGR - The Institute for Genomic Research
- TIVA - totale intravenöse Anästhesie
- ULMS - Undersea Long-Range Missile System
- UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research
- vCJD - Variante der Creutzfeld-Jakobs-Disease
- VD - venereal disease[s]
- VDESB - Vereinigung Deutscher Executive-Search-Berater
- VDRL-Test - Venereal-Diseases-Research-Laboratories-Test
- WCRP - World Climate Research Program
- WYRE - Worldwide Young Researchers for the Environment
- stfw - Search the fucking web!
- GRL - Geophysical Research Letters
- R & D - Research & Development
- SCEA - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect
- Unknown - Google is my favorite search engine!
- SPA - Share Purchase Agreement
- ARF - ASEAN Regional Forum
- boac - British Overseas Airways Corporation
- SRA - Society for Research on Adolescence
- BPRC - Biodegradable Polymer Research Center
- GRDF - Gaz Réseau Distribution France
- ICD 10 - (I)nternational (C)lassification of (D)iseases 10.Revision / Internationale Krankheitscodes-/Klassif
- KNAU - Koninklijke Nederlandse Atletiek Unie
- FIRMM - Foundation for information and research on marine mammals