Abkürzung pu
2 Abkürzungen gefunden in 4 Gruppen
- Gehe zu Format:
- p.u. (1 Bedeutungen)
- pU (1 Bedeutungen)
- PU (3 Bedeutungen)
- Pu (2 Bedeutungen)
p.u.: Bedeutung | ||
p.u. | per ultimo [ital.: »Zum Monatsletzten«] |
pU: Bedeutung | ||
pU | programmierte Unterweisung [EDV] |
PU: Bedeutung | ||
PU | Polyurethan | |
PU | programmierter Unterricht; programmierte Unterweisung | |
PU | Programmunterbrechung [EDV] |
Pu: Bedeutung | ||
Pu | Plutonium | |
Pu | Plutonium [Element] |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie pu
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen pu vorkommt
- ABK - Autobahnknotenpunkt
- AEM - adaptives Einspurmodell
- AEMP - Associated European Management Publisher
- AhP - Anhaltspunkt
- Ahp. - Anhaltspunkt
- AIP - Aeronautical Information Publication
- AKEP - Arbeitskreis Elektronisches Publizieren
- amp. - amputieren; amputiert
- Amp. - Ampulle
- Amp. - Amputation
- Amp. - Amputierter
- ANPA - American Newspaper Publishers Association
- AO - Analog-Output
- AP - Anfangspunkt
- AP - Anhaltspunkt
- AP - Anilinpunkt
- AP - Anlegepunkt
- AP - Aufnahmepunkt
- AP - Aussichtspunkt
- a.p. - ad publicandum
- APEX - Advance-Purchase-Excursion-Tarif
- Aps - Apus
- AR - autonome Republik
- Arcnet - Attached Resource Computer Network
- ARD - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlichrechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- ASC - application service computing
- ASSR - Autonome Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik
- Ausg.-P. - Ausgangspunkt
- AVP - Armeeversorgungspunkt
- BC - Bordcomputer
- BC - Bürocomputer
- BCS - Bachelor of Computer Science in Banking and Finance
- BEDO - burst extended data output
- BIOS - basic input outputsystem
- B.I.P.O. - British Institute of Public Opinion
- BIPO - British Institute of Public Opinion
- Blickp. - Blickpunkt
- BOS - Eisenbahn-Bau- und Betriebsordnung für Schmalspurbahnen
- BoVP - Bodenständiger Versorgungspunkt
- Bp - Bedienungspult
- BR - Bundesrepublik
- BRD - Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- BRJ - Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
- BrVP - Brigadeversorgungspunkt
- BVP - Bataillonsversorgungspunkt
- c. - caput
- CAAD - computer-aided/assisted architectural design
- CAD - computer-aided/assisted design
- CAD - computer-aided diagnosis
- CADAM - computer-aided/ assisted design and manufacturing
- CAFM - computer aided/assisted facility management
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted indexing
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted industry
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted inking
- CAI - computer-aided/assisted instruction
- CAL - computer-aided/assisted learning
- CALL - computer-aided language learning
- CAM - computer-aided/assisted manufacturing
- CAMAC - computer-aided/ assisted measurement and control
- CAMD - computer-aided/assisted molecular design
- CAO - computer-aided/assisted office
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted planning
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted printing
- CAP - computer-aided/assisted publishing
- cap. - caput
- CAPE - computer-aided/assisted process engineering
- CAQ - computer-aided/ assisted quality assurance/ control
- CAR - computer-assisted retrieval system
- CAS - computer-aided/assisted sales
- CASE - computer-aided/assisted software/system engineering
- CASP - computer-aided/assisted synthesis planning
- CASW - computer assisted social work
- Catch - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATCH - computeraided tracking and characterization of homicides
- CATIA - computer-graphics aided three dimensional interactive application system
- .cbt - computer-based training
- CBT - computer based training
- CCC - Chaos Computer Club
- CCP - Certificate in Computer Programming
- CCT - Craniale Computertomographie
- CEPS - common electronic purse specifications
- CERP - Centre Europe´en des Relations Publiques
- CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team
- .cgm - computer graphics metafile
- CIAM - computer aided integrated automatical manufacturing
- CIBP - Confe´de´ration Internationale des Banques Populaires
- CID - computer integrated manufacturing
- CIE - computer integrated engineering
- CIG - Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum
- CIL - Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
- CIM - CompuServe Information Manager
- CIM - computer integrated manufacturing [system[s]]
- CIMP - Conseil International de la Musique Populaire
- CIP - cataloguing in publication
- CIP - computer integrated purchasing
- CIRC - Computer Integrated Road Construction
- CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer
- CIT - computer integrated telephony
- C.J.C. - Corpus Juris Canonici; Codex Juris Canonici
- CJC - Corpus Juris Canonici; Codex Juris Canonici
- CLZ - Computerlernzentrum
- CMI - computer-managed instructions
- CMV - Computer-Missbrauch-Versicherung
- CNC - computerized numerical control
- COM - computer output microfilm
- Comdex - computer dealers exposition
- Comp. - Computer
- Corp. - Corpus
- Corp. Chr. - Corpus Christi
- corp. del. - Corpus Delicti
- Corp. jur. - Corpus Juris
- Corp. Jur. Can. - Corpus Juris Canonici
- c.p. - chemically pure
- C.P. - chemically pure
- CPA - Certified Public Accountant
- CPC - color personal computer
- CPM - Certified Purchasing Manager
- CP/M - Control Program Microcomputers
- CR - Corpus Reformatorum
- CRS - Computerreservierungssystem
- CSCW - computer-supported cooperative work
- CSI - Computer Security Institute
- CSMI - Computer Systems Management Institute
- CSNET - Computer Science Network
- CSO - Computing Services Office
- CSTA - computer-supported telecommunications applications
- CT - Computertomogramm; Computertomograph[ie]
- CTI - computer telephone integration
- CTR - Computer Tabulating Recording
- CUU - computerunterstützter Unterricht
- CZ - Tschechische Republik
- DAPR - Deutsche Akademie für Public Relations
- DBP - Database Publishing
- DCE - distributed computing environment
- DDR - Deutsche Demokratische Republik
- Dep. - Deputat
- Dep. - Deputation; Deputierte[r]
- Dep.-L. - Deputierten-Liste
- Deput. - Deputat; Deputation; Deputierte[r]
- DGAP - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität
- DIP - De-inked Pulp
- DIPR - Deutsches Institut für Public Relations
- Dipl.-Comp.-Math. - Diplomcomputermathematiker[in]
- Disp. - Disput
- Disp. - Disputation
- DOM - Dominikanische Republik
- DP - desktop-purchasing
- DPCM - differential pulse code modulation
- DPRG - Deutsche Public-Relations-Gesellschaft
- DPS - desktop-purchasingsystem