Abkürzung ean
4 Abkürzungen gefunden in 1 Gruppen
EAN: Bedeutung | ||
EAN | erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau [Schule] | |
EAN | Europäische Artikelnummer[ierung] | |
EAN | European Article Number | |
EAN | Evangelische Arbeitnehmerschaft |
Abkürzungen ähnlich wie ean
- EAAM - ergänzter angeborener Auslösemechanismus
- EAM - Einseitenband-Amplitudenmodulation
- EAMA - European Automobiles Manufacturers Association
- EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies
- ehem. - ehemalig; ehemals
- Ehm. - Einheitsmiete
- EIM - Eisenbahn Immobilien Management Gesellschaft
- einh. - einheimisch
- EinhW - Einheitswert
- Einn. - Einnahme[n]
Abkürzungen, in deren Bedeutungen ean vorkommt
- AB - Anrufbeantworter
- AEEP - Association of European Engineering Periodicals
- AEMP - Associated European Management Publisher
- AFMED - Allied Forces Mediterranean
- Afta - Asean free trade area
- AFTA - Asean free trade area
- AIDEC - Association for European Industrial Development and Economic Cooperation
- AllA - allgemeine Anweisung
- ANA - antinukleare Antikörper
- ANTA - American National Theatre and Academy
- AnTV - Tarifvertrag für die Angestellten der Deutschen Bahn
- an.v. - anderweitig vergean.
- AOAnwG - Gesetz über die Anwendung der Reichsabgabenordnung und anderer Abgabengesetze
- AOPU - Asian-Oceanic Postal Union
- a.r.a. - auf richterliche Anordnung/Anweisung
- ASF - allgemeine Sicherheitsvorschriften für Fabriken und gewerbliche Anlagen
- ASMS - Active Sample and Measure System
- AT&T - American Telephone and Telegraph Company
- Aufn.-Antr. - Aufnahmeantrag/-anträge
- Ausr.-A. - Ausreiseantrag
- AWWR - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wasserwerke an der Ruhr
- BAFl - Bundesamt für die Anerkennung ausländischer Flüchtlinge
- BASF - Badische Anilin- und Sodafabriken
- BdRB - Bundesverband der Reiseandenken-Branche
- Beza - Bezügeanzeige
- BFM - Bachelor of Finance and Management
- BLGA - Bayerische Landesgewerbeanstalt
- B.M.S.E. - Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange
- CAESAR - Center of Advanced European Studies and Research
- Castor - cask for storage and transport of radioactive material
- CASTOR - cask for storage and transport of radioactive material
- CDB - Carribean Development Bank
- CEAA - Congress/Council of European-American Associations
- CEAC - Committee on European Airspace Coordination
- CEBR - Committee of European Banking Regulators
- Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- CEEC - Committee for European Economic Cooperation
- CEF - Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Teaching
- Cefta - Central European Free Trade Area
- CEFTA - Central European Free Trade Area
- CEIF - Council of European Industrial Federations
- CEM - Council of European Municipalities
- CEMS - Community of European Management Schools
- CENL - Conference of European National Librarians
- CENTR - Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries
- CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries
- CESR - Committee of European Securities Regulators
- CET - Central European Time
- CINCAFMED - Commander in Chief Allied Forces Mediterranean
- COST - European Cooperation of Scientific and Technical Research
- DAA - Deutsche Angestellten-Akademie
- DAB - Deutsche Anlage-Bank AG
- DAG - Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft
- DAK - Deutsche Angestellten-Krankenkasse
- DAMI - Deutsche Anti-Mobbing-Initiative
- DAU - Diskussionsgruppe Analytik im Umweltschutz
- DECT - digital enhanced/European cordless telephony/ telecommunication
- Degussa - Deutsche Gold- und Silberscheideanstalt
- DGTA - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Analyse
- DHV - Deutscher Handelsund Industrie-Angestelltenverband
- DIAG - Deutsche Industrie-Anlagen-Gesellschaft
- Dipl.-Ozeanogr. - Diplomozeanograph[in]
- DKfO - Deutsche Kommission für Ozeanographie
- DOD - Deutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum
- DOZ - Deutsches Ozeanographisches Zentrum
- E.A. - Einstweilige Anordnung
- EA - Einstweilige Anordnung
- EAA - European Aluminium Association
- EAA - European Athletic Association
- EAAA - European Association of Advertising Agencies
- EAAP - European Association for Animal Production
- EABA - European Amateur Boxing Association
- EAC - European Advisory Commission
- EADS - European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- EAEP - European Association for the Earthquakeprophecy
- EAES - European Atomic Energy Society
- E.A.I.B. - European Association of International Booksellers
- EAL - European Organization for Accreditation of Laboratories
- EAMA - European Automobiles Manufacturers Association
- EAN - European Article Number
- EANA - European Alliance of News Agencies
- EANDC - European American Nuclear Dates Committee
- EANPC - European Association of National Productivity Centers
- E.A.P.C.T. - European Association of Poison Control Center and Toxicologists
- EAPPI - European Association of the Plasma Products Industry
- EARB - European Airlines Research Bureau
- EARN - European Academic Research Network
- EAS - European Atomic Society
- EASA - European Aviation Safety Agency
- EASA - The European Advertising Standards Alliance
- EASD - European Association for the Study of Diabetes
- EASDAQ - European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
- EATA - European Association for Transaction Analysis
- EATS - European Air Transport Service
- EAUE - European Academy of the Urban Environment
- EBB - European Biodiesel Board
- EBC - European Billiards Confederation
- EBC - European Brewery Convention
- EBF - European Banking Federation
- E.B.I.F. - European Banking and Insurance Fair
- EBIF - European Banking and Insurance Fair
- EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- ebs - European Business School
- EBS - European Business School
- EBTF - European Banking and Technology Fair
- EBU - European Broadcasting Union
- EBYC - European Bureau for Youth and Childhood
- EC - European Community
- ECA - European Confederation of Agriculture
- ECA - European Council of Artists
- ECAC - European Civil Aviation Conference
- ECB - European Central Bank
- ECC - European Cultural Centre
- ECC - European Communication Council
- ECCA - European Cable Communications Association
- ECCC - European Communications Coordinating Committee
- ECCO - European Community Chamber Orchestra
- ECDL - european computer driving licence
- ECEA - Export-Consortium Europäischer Ausrüster von Industrieanlagen
- ECF - European Caravan Federation
- ECG - European Constitutional Group
- ECHA - European Council for High Ability
- ECHO - European Concert Halls Organization
- ECITO - European Central Inland Transport Organization
- ECJ - European Court of Justice
- ECLA - European College of Liberal Arts
- ECMA - European Computer Manufacturer
- ECMT - European Conference of Ministers of Transport
- ECMWF - European Center for medium-term Weatherforecast
- ECNR - European Council for Nuclear Research
- ECO - European Coal Organization
- ECPA - European Crop Protection Association
- ECPS - European Credit Point System
- ECRN - European Chemical Regional Network
- ECS - European Committee for Coordination of Standards
- ECS - European Communications Satellite
- ECSA - European Communications Security Agency
- ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community
- ECSO - European Conference of Symphony Orchestras
- ECSR - European Consortium of Sociological Research
- ECTS - European Credit Transfer System
- ECU - European Clearing Union
- ECU - European Currency Unit
- ECVM - European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers
- ECYO - European Community Youth Orchestra
- ED - Europäisches Datum/European Date
- EDC - European Defense Community
- EDF - European Defense Force
- EDIFACT - Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport